[rFactor 1] Il file .PLR

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Messaggi: 2133
Iscritto il: 18/12/2010 - 22:08
Nome e cognome: Massimo Caverio
Località: Lecco

[rFactor 1] Il file .PLR

Messaggioda Maki » 26/09/2012 - 22:42

Il file PLR contiene tutte le informazioni che ci identificano su rFactor, dal nostro nome alle nostre impostazioni di base sino ad arrivare alle personalizazioni

Dove lo trovo?
Il file PLR si trova nella cartella Userdata/tuo nome, il percorso corretto è: rfactor\UserData\Nome Gioco.
Su alcune istallazioni in WIN7 però il file potrebbe non essere in questa cartella, per trovarlo dobbiamo seguire questo percorso:
C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\rFactor\UserData
La cartella AppData è invisibile, per vederla bisogna andare in "Organise" -> opzioni "Folder and Search" -> "View" -> "Show hidden files", oppure prova ad incollare il path qui su nella barra di navigazione (modificando "YourName" con il tuo nome in Windows)

Fatto questo ci troveremo di fronte molti file, noi ora parliamo del file PLR quindi andremo a cercare il file Massimo Caverio (nel mio caso) e lo apriremo con il "semplice" blocco note di windows.

Di seguito vi riporto uno dei miei PLR cercando di spiegare, dove possibile, a cosa servono tutte le righe che lo compongono
Saltando l'intestazione andiamo al paragrafo SCENE:

Scene Description="MILLS_LONG"

Questa è semplicemente l'ultima pista che abbiamo usato su rF

Passiamo al paragrafo DRIVER
RaceCast Email="" // The email you are registered with on racecast.rfactor.net
RaceCast Password="" // Your password on racecast.rfactor.net
Team="Volvo Team"
Original Driver="Volvo Driver"
Birth Date="11 settembe 1982"
Game Description="TBTWTCC.rfm" // The current rFactor game file (*.RFM) to load
Season="" // The current season within the given game
Unique ID="-9833" // Helps to uniquely identify in multiplayer (along with name) if leaving and coming back
Starting Driver="0" // Zero-based index of starting driver (0=driver1, 1=driver2, 2=driver3, etc.)
AI Controls Driver="2" // Bitfield defining which drivers the AI controls (0=none, 1=driver1, 2=driver2, 3=driver1+driver2, etc.)
Driver Hotswap Delay="3.00000" // Delay in seconds between switching controls to AI or remote driver
Save Game Description="" // Restore if changed during multiplayer
Save Season="" // Restore if changed during multiplayer
Save Vehicle File="" // Restore if changed during multiplayer

Questi sono "semplicemente i nostri dati.
Ho evidenziato la riga relativa al file RFM perchè se avete istallazioni multiple di rFactor e volete copiare il vostro PLR su un altra istallazione vi consiglio di modificare manualmente questa riga; è semplicissimo, basta editare la voce tra le virgolette, in questo caso TBTWTCC.rfm inserendo il nome del file rFm che abbiamo istallato; il nome esatto lo trovate nella cartella rFactor\rFm dovete semplicemente "copiare" all'interno delle virgolette il nome di un rFm presente sulla vostra istallazione.
In caso contrario rFactor potrebbe non avviarsi
Passiamo ai comandi di CHAT rapida:

[ CHAT ]
Quick Chat #1="Slowing to pit"
Quick Chat #2="Leaving pits"
Quick Chat #3="Vai A Sinistra "
Quick Chat #4="Vai A Destra "
Quick Chat #5="Ciao! / Hi!"
Quick Chat #6="Ciao! / Hi!"
Quick Chat #7="Attento alla prima curva "
Quick Chat #8="Ottimo "
Quick Chat #9="Buona gara "
Quick Chat #10="/vota si "
Quick Chat #11="/vota no "
Quick Chat #12="/ping "

Queste voci sono modificabili anche all'interno dei rFactor alla voce CUSTOMIZE -> IMPOSTAZIONI -> CONTROLLI -> quick chat
(solo on line)

DRIVING AIDS, che non è una malattia ma le nostre configurazioni di guida,inserisco a fianco di ogni voce a cosa corrisponde, le voci in "bianco" devono essere verificate
Steering Help="0" // Aiuto sterzata 0=off 1=basso 2=alto 3=pieno
Throttle Control="0" //controllo trazione 0=off 1=basso 2=medio 3=alto
Brake Help="0" // Aiuto frenata 0=off 1=basso 2=basso
Antilock Brakes="0" // ABS - antiblocaggio in frenata 0=off 1=basso 2=alto
Spin Recovery="0"
Invulnerability="0" // Invulnerabilità 0=off 1=on
Autopit="0" // L'auto viene guidata dalla AI all'interno della pit lane 0=off 1=off
Opposite Lock="0"
Stability Control="0" // controllo stabilità 0=off 1=basso 2=alto
No AI Control="1" // L'auto viene guidata in pista dall'AI (mappa comandi per tasto) 0=off 1=on
Pitcrew Push="1" // Se restate senza benzina nella pit-lane i meccanici...vi spingono (mai testato se funziona) 0=off 1=on
Auto Clutch="1" // Aiuto frizione automatica 0=off 1=on
Auto Lift="0" // Consente un aiuto in scalata di marcia, lasciando leggermente il gas 0=off 1=on
Auto Blip="0" // L'auto blip renderá le scalate piú semplici se l'opzione é abilitata 0=off 1=on
Shift Mode="3"
Repeat Shifts="0" // 0 = Nessuna detenzione ripetizione cambiata, 1 = controlla ed elimina le cambiate
doppie entro 100ms, 2
= 150ms, 3 = 200ms, 4 = 250ms, 5 = Previene le cambiate consecutive accidentali
Manual Shift Override Time="0.60000" // Tempo che intercorre nel cambio da cambiate manuali ed
automatiche (se il cambio automatico è attivato)
Auto Shift Override Time="0.55000" // Lo stesso come sopra, solo attivando il cambio automatico
Hold Clutch On Start="1" // Solo per cambio automatico: tiene schiacciata la frizione automaticamente
in fase di partenza
Track Markers="1" // Extra track markers for turning and braking
Data Acquisition Version="0" // Version of vehicle data to write out
Data Acquisition Rate="8"
Data Acquisition In Race="1"
Data Acquisition EXE="DataAnalysis.exe"
Data Acquisition File="userdata\vehicledata.spt"
Alternate Collision="0" // Temporary variable as we develop new collision system. NOT AVAILABLE IN THIS VERSION

Le voci che troviamo ora a noi, che corriamo on-line, servono a poco perchè vengono "sovrascritte" da quelle impostate nel server di gioco
[ Mechanical Failures ]
QUICK Failure Rate="2" // Mechanical failure rate (0-none, 1-normal, 2-timescaled, disabled: 3-season)
MULTI Failure Rate="1"

[ Race Conditions ]
Run Practice1="1"
Run Practice2="0"
Run Practice3="0"
Run Practice4="0"
Run Qualify="1"
Run Warmup="1"
Race Timer="3600" // Seconds between displaying time remaining in race other than 1/5/10/30 minutes (zero disables)
Recon Pit Open="300" // Time that pits remain open for recon laps (real-life is 900 seconds)
Recon Pit Closed="150" // Time that pits are closed before formation lap (real-life is 900 seconds)
Recon Timer="1" // Whether timer is displayed in message box
Double File Override="-1" // Whether restarts can be converted to double file (-1=use RFM default, 0=no, 1+=minimum laps left to restart double-file)
Lucky Dog Override="-1" // Where lucky dog is applied (-1=use RFM default, 0=nowhere, 1=ovals, 2=road courses, 3=everywhere)
QUICK Reconnaissance="0" // Reconnaissance laps
MULTI Reconnaissance="0"
QUICK Grid Walkthrough="1" // Cinematic walkthrough of vehicles before race
MULTI Grid Walkthrough="0"
QUICK Formation Lap="3" // 0=standing start, 1=formation lap & standing start, 2=lap behind safety car & rolling start, 3=use track default, 4=fast rolling start
MULTI Formation Lap="1"
Force Formation="0" // if Formation Lap is Use Track Default, add the following to force: 1=standing start formations on, 2=standing formations off, 4=rolling start formations on, 8=rolling formations off
QUICK Safety Car Collidable="1" // Whether safety car is collidable
MULTI Safety Car Collidable="1"
QUICK Safety Car Thresh="1.00000" // Threshold for bringing out safety car (lower numbers -> more full-course yellows), please note that there are now RFM multipliers for this value
MULTI Safety Car Thresh="1.00000"
Adjust Frozen Order="1.00000" // Moves vehicles down the frozen track order under the safety car if they are causing the yellow and being passed. 0.0=off, 0.1-0.9=apply liberally, 1.0+=apply conservatively
QUICK Flag Rules="2" // Level of rule enforcement, 0=none, 1=penalties only, 2=penalties & full-course yellows
MULTI Flag Rules="2"
QUICK BlueFlags="7" // 0=none, 1=show but never penalize, 2=show and penalize if following within 0.3 seconds, 3=0.5s, 4=0.7s, 5=0.9s, 6=1.1s, 7=use RFM value "BlueFlags=<0-6>" (default is 3)
MULTI BlueFlags="7"
QUICK Weather="0" // Random/season/sunny/etc.
MULTI Weather="0"
QUICK TimeScaledWeather="1" // Whether weather time is scaled with session length
MULTI TimeScaledWeather="1"
Practice1StartingTime="-1" // -3=random, -2=random daytime, -1=default RFM, 0-1439=minutes after midnight
QualifyingStartingTime="-1" // -3=random, -2=random daytime, -1=default RFM, 0-1439=minutes after midnight
WarmupStartingTime="-1" // -3=random, -2=random daytime, -1=default RFM, 0-1439=minutes after midnight
QUICK RaceStartingTime="840" // -3=random, -2=random daytime, -1=default RFM, 0-1439=minutes after midnight to start race
MULTI RaceStartingTime="0"
QUICK RaceTimeScale="5" // -1 = use race distance percentage, 0 - 60 = multiply time by given factor
MULTI RaceTimeScale="5"
QUICK PrivateQualifying="2" // 0=all cars qualify visibly on track together, 1=only one car is visible at a time, 2=use default from RFM, season, or track entry PrivateQualifying=<0 or 1>
MULTI PrivateQualifying="2"
QUICK ParcFerme="3" // 0=off, 1=no setup changes allowed between qual and race except for 'Free Settings'), 2=same unless rain, 3=use RFM default 'ParcFerme=<0-2>'
MULTI ParcFerme="3"

[ Sound Options ]
Net Race Warning="Secondary\racestart.wav" // Segnale acustico che indica il passaggio dalle
qualifiche alla gara (lasciate vuoto se non volete questa opzione)
Maximum Effects="16" // Maximum sound effects playing simultaneously
Music="1" // Music Toggle
Track Load Commentary="1" // Whether or not the commentator should talk during track loading
Realtime In Monitor="1" // Whether to play realtime sounds in monitor
SoundFX Volume="0.87586" // 0.0-1.0
Engine Volume="0.89655" // 0.0-1.0
Traction Control="1.75000" // Volume multiplier
Player Volume Ratio="1.00345" // Additional volume multiplier for player's vehicle
Other Volume Ratio="0.70000" // Additional volume multiplier for other vehicles
Music Volume="0.09655" // 0.0-1.0
Pit Volume="0.50000" // 0.0-1.0, controls volume of pit sounds while you're at the monitor
Spotter Volume="0.90345" // 0.0-1.0
Sound Detail="2"
Speed Of Sound="300.00000" // 340m/s at sea level, but lower numbers help exaggerate the Doppler effect
Crowd Range="75.00000" // Volume range parameter
Crowd Shape="0.75000" // Shape of volume attenuation
Crowd Ambient="2.50000" // Ambient range where volume is maximum
Airhorn Range="75.00000"
Airhorn Shape="0.75000"
Airhorn Ambient="2.50000"
Public Address Range="50.00000"
Public Address Shape="0.75000"
Public Address Ambient="2.50000"
Pithorn Range="30.00000"
Pithorn Shape="0.45000"
Pithorn Ambient="1.50000"
Helicopter Range="75.00000"
Helicopter Shape="0.70000"
Helicopter Ambient="2.50000"
Vehicle Scrubbing VolMult="0.0000610352"
Vehicle Scrubbing FreqGrip="-0.25000"
Vehicle Scrubbing FreqSpeed="0.00195"
Vehicle Skidding VolMult="0.0001220703"
Vehicle Skidding FreqGrip="-0.25000"
Vehicle Skidding FreqSpeed="0.00195"
Vehicle Roadnoise VolSpeed="32.00000"
Vehicle Roadnoise VolMult="0.0000050000"
Vehicle Roadnoise FreqMin="0.80000"
Vehicle Roadnoise FreqMult="0.00391"

Impostazioni grafiche:
[ Graphic Options ]
Broadcast Overlay="1"
Texture Detail="3"
Vertical FOV Angle="34" // 34=use default, otherwise is the FOV for attached cameras (horiz is calculated based on aspect ratio)
Rearview="1" // 0=Off, 1=Center and Side, 2=Center only, 3=Side only (virtual mirrors only, in-car mirrors are on/off)
Allow Rearview In Swingman="1" // per avere gli specchietti nella visuale "swingman", che se non erro è quella....dal tetto
Virtual Rearview In Cockpit="1" // i famosissimi specchiatti virtuali 0=off 1= al centro e ai lati 2=solo al centro 3=solo ai lati
Rearview Width="64.00000"
Rearview Height="14.00000"
Rearview Cull="1" // Whether to cull objects in the rearview based on visgroups in the SCN file
Seat Adjustment Aft="-0.10000"
Seat Adjustment Up="0.10000"
Mirror Adjustment Horizontal="-0.03600"
Mirror Adjustment Vertical="-0.10000"
Cockpit Vibration Mult1="1.00000" // Primary vibration multiplier affects eyepoint position (base magnitude is in VEH or cockpit file)
Cockpit Vibration Freq1="31.00000" // Primary rate of vibration affects eyepoint position (higher framerates allow higher rates)
Cockpit Vibration Mult2="1.00000" // Secondary vibration multiplier affects eyepoint orientation (base magnitude is in VEH or cockpit file)
Cockpit Vibration Freq2="37.00000" // Secondary rate of vibration affects eyepoint orientation
Moving Rearview="3" // Whether mirrors respond to head movement in cockpit (0=none, 1=position-only, 2=FOV-only, 3=both) - add 4 if you want to IGNORE head-tracking movement
Rearview_Front_Clip="0.50000" // Front plane distance for mirror (0.0 = use default for scene)
Rearview_Back_Clip="0.00000" // Back plane distance for mirror (0.0 = use default for scene)
Rearview Particles="1"
Self In TV Rearview="0" // add values for any that should be visible (0=none): 1=rear wing & wheels, 2=body & susp, 4=cockpit, 8=steering wheel (15=all)
Self In Cockpit Rearview="0" // add values for any that should be visible (0=none): 1=rear wing & wheels, 2=body & susp, 4=cockpit, 8=steering wheel (15=all)
Backfire Anim Speed="30.00000"
Warning Light Anim Speed="4.00000" // Safety car light animation
Steering Wheel="0" // 0=moving steering wheel, 1=non-moving steering wheel, 2=no steering wheel (in cockpit only while player-controlled)
Box Outline="16711680" // whether to draw box on ground around pitstall and grid location when necessary; -1=off, 0-16777215=RGB color
Allow Letterboxing="1" // whether we allow letterboxing (during replays, for example)
Logo Seconds="0" // puts up logo at corner of screen for first X seconds of each session
HUD Race Stats="1"
HUD Tachometer="1"
Any Camera HUD="1" // whether to show the HUD from any camera (in particular, tracksides)
LCD Display Modes="31" // Add the modes to allow them: 1=status 2=aids 4=engine/brake temps 8=race info 16=standings
Automap="3" // 0=off 1=race-only 2=non-race-only 3=all sessions
Display Vehicle Labels="3" // 0=never 1=single-player 2=multi-player 3=always
Player Detail="3"
Player Texture Override="-1" // For player's vehicle textures: -1=use Player Detail, 0-3=override value
Opponent Detail="3"
Opponent Texture Override="-1" // For opponents' vehicle textures: -1=use Opponent Detail, 0-3=override value
Load Opponent Cockpits="1" // Whether to load gauges and LCD for opponents, don't turn off if you're planning on hot-swapping vehicles in multiplayer
Garage Detail="0.50000" // LOD multiplier when vehicle is in garage (0.01-1.00)
Shadow Blur="0"
Shadow Cache="1"
Pitcrew Detail="0"
Special FX="4"
Lightning Probability="1.00000" // Probability of seeing lightning (0.0-1.5)
Thunder Probability="1.50000" // Probability of hearing thunder (0.0-1.5)
Cloud Scroll="0.00000" // Maximum cloud scrolling rate (0.000-0.010)
Cloud Blend="0" // Whether to roll the rainy cloud map in across sky (only works with overhead not cylinder skies)
Skybox Positioning="1.00000" // Numbers less than 1.0 cause the skybox to get closer as you drive towards it
Shadow Updates="8" // Static shadow updates per frame (Shadow Updates * Sky Update Frames should exceed number of static shadows on track)
Sky Update Frames="150" // Frames between sky and light updates
Vehicle Flow Radius="4.00000" // Vehicle sphere radius for smoke/flames/dust/spray
Vehicle Flow Offset="3.10000" // Offset below vehicle where sphere center is located
Engine Emitter Flow="0" // Whether engine smoke/flames flow over emitting vehicle
Tire Emitter Flow="0" // Whether tire smoke/dust flow over emitting vehicle
Smoke Flow="0" // Whether all smoke/flames/dust flow over non-emitting vehicles
Raindrop Flow="0" // Add to enable: 1=flow over current 2=flow over other vehicles
Rainspray Flow="0" // Add to enable: 1=flow over current 2=flow over other vehicles
Spark Flow="0" // Add to enable: 1=flow over current 2=flow over other vehicles
Glance Rate="7.00000" // Rate to follow controller for glancing
Look Up/Down Angle="0.40000" // Angle to look up/down (pitch) w/ controller in radians (= degrees / 57)
Leanahead Angle="0.00000" // Angle to lean head (roll) w/ steering in radians (= degrees / 57)
Look Roll Angle="0.75000" // Angle to lean head (roll) w/ controller in radians (= degrees / 57)
Glance Angle="0.75000" // Angle to look left/right (yaw) w/ controller in radians (= degrees / 57)
Lookahead Angle="0.00000" // Angle to lookahead (yaw) w/ steering in radians (= degrees / 57)
Head Physics="0.29655" // Fraction of head physics movement applied to cockpit view (position AND rotation)
Head Rotation="1.00000" // Additional head physics multiplier affecting rotation only
Exaggerate Yaw="0.20000" // Visually exaggerates the heading angle of the vehicle by rotating the head (which may improve "feel")
Overlay Height="0.04000" // Distance from geometry to help sort drawing skids and grooves
Overlay Z Bias="1" // Draw-sorting bias for skids and grooves (0 = none)
Track Detail="3"
MIP Mapping="1"
Compressed Textures="1"
Max Visible Vehicles="10"
Extra Visible Vehicles="105" // Extra vehicles shown in non-driving situations
Shadows In TV Cockpit="1"
Wheels Visible In Cockpit="1" // Suggestion: add FrontWheelsInCockpit=? to the individual VEH files instead
In Car Dash="1"
Starting View="1"
Player Livery="" // Overrides default paint job for track
Mipmap LOD Speed="100.00000" // Speed (MPH) at which maximum mipmap bias is used
Mipmap LOD Bias="0.00000"
Allow HUD in cockpit="1"
Allow Swingman in Pitlane="1"
Display Icons="2" // Icons displayed if HUD is off: 0 = none, 1 = flags only, 2 = all
Auto Detail Framerate="0" // Details and visible vehicles will be automatically reduced (by up to half) if framerate is under this threshold (0 to disable)
Max Framerate="0" // 0 to disable, for regular exe only, see multiplayer.ini for dedicated server framerate, new: use negative values for alternate timing
Delay Video Swap="0" // Whether to delay video swap if card is busy - this should only be used if framerate clearly improves - otherwise it is only delaying response time
Always Rebuild HAT="0" // Build HAT database everytime tracks are loaded (for development purposes)
UI Background Animation="1"
Low Detail UI="1"
Widescreen Overlays="1"
Texture Filter="5" // Texture Filtering level: 0 = bilinear, 1 = trilinear, 2 = X2 AF, 3 = X4 AF, 4 = X8 AF, 5 = X16 AF
Max Headlights="12" // Max headlights visible relative to your car.
Headlights On Cars="1" // Headlights illuminate other cars.
Screenshot File Type="0" // 0=default (jpg), 1=bmp, 2=jpg, 3=png, 4=dds

Opzioni di gioco
[ Game Options ]
Championship Basic Rules="1"
Basic Rules="0"
Basic Display="0"
Basic Audio="0"
QUICK Damage Multiplier="50" // 100 should approximate real life
MULTI Damage Multiplier="90"
Record Replays="1" // whether to record replays or not
Save All Replay Sessions="0" // whether to save the replay from each session
Record To Memory="0" // record replays to memory rather than disk (may possibly reduce stuttering, but at your own risk because memory usage will be significant for long races)
Compress Replay="1" // whether to compress VCR file (uses less disk space but takes more time to write)
Replay Wraparound="0" // whether replays wraparound in the fridge
Auto Monitor Replay="1" // whether to automatically start a replay when returning to monitor
Record Hotlaps="1" // whether to record hotlaps or not (must have replay recording on)
Instant Replay Length="20"
Replay Fidelity="4"
Super Player Replay="1" // record player at higher frequency
Number Track Replays="5" // how many replays to store for each track (using default naming convention only!)
Number Race Results="10" // how many results files to store (using default naming convention only!)
Multi-session Results="0" // whether to store all sessions at a track in a single results file, new default is one session per file
Disconnected Results="1" // show results for clients disconnected at end of prac/qual/warmup
Private Test Day="1"
Starting Pos="0" // Only used if no qualifying session in single-player
QUICK AI Driver Strength="95" // 100 should approximate real life
MULTI AI Driver Strength="78"
AI Power Calibration="7" // Adjustments with AI strength (0=none, or add the following: 1=power, 2=gearing, 4=fuel)
AI Fuel Mult="0.99000" // Additional fuel multiplier for AIs because of their driving style
AI Tire Model="0.40000" // 0.0 = use AI peak slip, 1.0 = use player's dynamic slip, or a blend between the two (can be overrode in TBC with AITireModel)
AI Brake_Power Usage="0.98000" // Fraction of theoretical brake power that AI attempt to use (can be overrode in HDV)
AI Brake_Grip Usage="0.97250" // Fraction of theoretical brake grip that AI attempt to use (can be overrode in HDV)
AI Corner_Grip Usage="0.97000" // Fraction of theoretical cornering grip that AI attempt to use (can be overrode in HDV)
AI Max Load="40000.00000" // Maximum total load to set up theoretical performance tables (can be overrode in HDV)
AI Min Radius="20.00000" // Minimum radius turn to set up theoretical performance tables (can be overrode in HDV)
AI to AI Collision Rate="20" // Detection rate per second (1-40) for AI-to-AI collisions
Auto Line Smooth="1" // 1 = fastest line, 2 = inside/outside, 3 = fastest and inside/outside
Message Center Detail="3"
Spotter Detail="3"
Spotter Laptimes="2" // Report laptimes: 0=never 1=non-race 2=always
Spotter Behind="10.00000" // Range behind at which spotter may comment on vehicles around you (range ahead is 40% of this value because those vehicles are easier to see)
Play Movies="1"
Race Stint Offset="1" // Offset each scheduled pitstop in case you want to carry extra fuel
Relative Fuel Strategy="1" // 0= al pit raggiunge i litri indicati 1=al pit aggiunge i litri indicati
Smart Pitcrew="1" // Pitcrew does things even if you mistakenly forgot to ask (one example is changing a damaged tire)
Automatic Pit Menu="4" // brings up pit menu automatically: 0=disabled, 1=upon pit ENTRY, change cockpit menu but do not bring up HUD, 2=pit ENTRY->cockpit & HUD, 3=pit REQUEST->cockpit menu only, 4=pit REQUEST->cockpit & HUD
Autocalibrate AI Mode="0" // When in a test day with 1 AI, AI will attempt to perfect his driving line, and save his knowledge for future use
Find Default Setup="0" // If 1, attempts to ensure player has default setup ... only works well if only one vehicle class in RFM
Relevant Setups Only="1" // 0 = show all setups in folder, 1 = only show setups for your current vehicle
Keep Received Setups="1" // 0=do not accept, 1=keep until next track, 2=keep until exit, 3=keep forever
QUICK FreeSettings="-1" // -1=use RFM/season/GDB default, or add to allow minor changes with fixed/parc ferme setups: 1=steering lock, 2=brake pressure, 4=starting fuel, 8=fuel strategy 16=tire compound, 32=brake bias, 64=front wing, 128=engine settings
MULTI FreeSettings="-1"
Fixed Setups="0" // use fixed setups specified in UserData\<plr>\FavoriteAndFixedSetups.gal (based on track and vehicle class)
Fixed AI Setups="0" // whether AI use the fixed setups, only applicable if "Fixed Setups" is also enabled (and can be used in single player to have the AIs use your favorite setup)
Fixed Upgrades="0" // whether multiplayer vehicles use the closest standard upgrade class package
Disable NetComm="0" // If 1, network features are disabled
AI Limiter="1.00000" // Range: 0.0 (no limiting) - 1.0 (limiting used to make racing closer but also make more driver differences on flat-out tracks)
AI Mistakes="0.00000" // a range of (intentional) AI mistakes from 0.0 (none) to 1.0 (sometimes). Anything above 1.0 multiplies the frequency
AI Realism="0.25000"
Display Driver Stats="0"
Display Track Stats="0"
Settings Type="3"
Exit Confirmation="1" // 0=none, 1=race only, 2=always
Monitor AI Postfix="" // what is displayed after AI driver names in monitor (multiplayer only)
Monitor Admin Postfix="*" // what is displayed after multiplayer administrator driver names in monitor
Realtime Splits="0" // 0=show race splits at sectors only, 1=realtime splits (can be toggled while driving with pit decrement key
Standings Func="0" // standings scroll with pit up/down keys: 0=no wraparound, 1=wraparound, 2=auto-scroll (can be changed while driving with pit increment key)
Show Extra Lap="0" // 0 = show laps completed, 1 = show lap you are on
One Lap To Go Warning="1" // Race only: 0=none, 1=message, 2=white flag, 3=both, Race+Qual: add 4. Feature not implemented for timed races or lapped vehicles.
Pitstop Description="1" // Gives extra info about what's taking time in pitstop
Measurement Units="0" // Units for everything EXCEPT speed (0 = metric, 1 = english/imperial)
Speed Units="1" // 0 = MPH, 1 = KPH
Damper Units="0" // Display dampers (shocks) in garage as: 0 = setting (e.g. 1-20), 1 = rate (e.g. 1000-9000 N/m/s)
Horizontal Tire Temps="1" // In garage options
QUICK Race Finish Criteria="1" // 0=percentage,1=laps, 2=time, 3=laps&time
MULTI Race Finish Criteria="1"
QUICK Race Laps="5"
MULTI Race Laps="10"
QUICK Race Time="120" // minutes
MULTI Race Time="120"
QUICK Race Length="0.50000"
MULTI Race Length="0.10000"
QUICK Speed Compensation="0" // 0 (none) - 10 (max)
MULTI Speed Compensation="0"
Speed Comp Dist="500.00000" // <= 2.0: fraction of track length, > 2.0: actual distance in meters for max speed comp
QUICK Opponents="9"
MULTI Opponents="0"
Vehicle Removal="30.00000" // Seconds until stationary vehicle is removed from track
Debris Removal="30.00000" // Seconds until stationary debris is removed from track
Parts Duration="1000.00000" // Seconds after parts break off before disappearing
QUICK CrashRecovery="3" // 0=none, 1=artificially keep cars on track, 2=flip cars upright, 3=both
MULTI CrashRecovery="3"
QUICK Fuel Consumption Multiplier="1"
MULTI Fuel Consumption Multiplier="1"
QUICK Tire Wear Multiplier="1"
MULTI Tire Wear Multiplier="2"
Auto-change Opponent List="1" // whether to change the single-player allowed vehicle filter when player changes vehicles
CURNT Allowed Vehicles="WTCC_2010"
PRACT Allowed Vehicles="WTCC_2010"
QUICK Allowed Vehicles="WTCC_2010"
GPRIX Allowed Vehicles="WTCC_2010"
CHAMP Allowed Vehicles="|WTCC_2010"
MULTI Allowed Vehicles="|WTCC_2010"
RPLAY Allowed Vehicles="|WTCC_2010"
Inactive Sleep Time="25" // Number of milliseconds to sleep each message loop if the game is not the active application (-1 to disable). will give more CPU to other apps when minimized, etc.
Active Sleep Time="-1" // ms to sleep each loop if the game is the active app (-1 to disable). Consider setting to 1 or more if you are running a dedicated server on the same machine.
ArcadeSupport="0" // implements a number of arcade-like features such as disabling the ability to false start

Questa voce riguarda l'esportazine dei relay:
[ Miscellaneous ]
Key Repeat Rate="1"
AVI export width="800"
AVI export height="600"
AVI export framerate="30.00000"
AVI export quality="95.00000"
AVI compressor fourcc="ffds" // Changes compression algorithm

Infine viene mostrato quali "controlli" vengono caricati, per questo aprirò un altro topic più avanti
[ Controls ]
Current Control File="Controller"

Spero che sia utile a qualcuno.
Piano piano cercherò di completare riga per riga il file, per adesso ho inserito solo le cose che ho sperimentato personalmente, quindi delle quali sono sicuro.

Se modificate il PLR e castrate tutto....non mi assumo la responsabilità di niente [:50] fate cmq una copia prima di modificarlo [:15]

Le modifiche funzionano solo se rFactor non è avviato.


Questa non è una firma

Avatar utente
Messaggi: 133
Iscritto il: 02/09/2012 - 09:20
Nome e cognome: Efrem Zeta

Re: [rFactor 1] Il file .PLR

Messaggioda zeta » 27/09/2012 - 08:59


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